Magical Family Magiranger, Stages 27-35

Published March 25, 2015 by tinyhenshinsubs


27. “Our bonds” Magiine Magiine [DDL] [SCRIPT]
28. “Eternally…” Jiruma Magi Magi Magiine [DDL] [SCRIPT]
29. Saying “Huh?” Again and Again Jii Magi Magiiro [DDL] [SCRIPT]
30. Legendary Power Maagi Magi Magi Magiiro [DDL] [SCRIPT]
31. The Awe-Inspiring MagiDjinn Maagi Jiruma Gol Jingajin [DDL] [SCRIPT]
32. “Dad’s words” Maagi Jiruma Gol Gojika [DDL] [SCRIPT]
33. “To Infershia!” Maagi Gol Magica [DDL] [SCRIPT]
34. The Bond of Courage Gool Gol Goldo [DDL] [SCRIPT]
35. Valley of the Gods Magi Magi Jijiru [DDL] [SCRIPT]

Torrent for Stages 27-35 [TORRENT]

Some wordswordswords about Infershia’s Gods are under the cut (a guide to who’s who and some background information on the lore behind each individual God) if you’re at all interested. Next batch will be 36-49, hopefully followed by the movies, and then a full-series batch someday when we all have time.

So. In Stage 35 you get introduced to Infershia’s Gods. I’ve got a handy-dandy list prepared for everyone so you can remember who is what and where they come from. If this is your first magical rodeo, or if you just never noticed before, they all have basis in various world mythologies.

The Two Brutal Gods
– Son of Loki and the steed Svaðilfari from the Poetic Edda and Prose Edda. He’s described as “the best of all horses”, and is Odin’s personal steed. The story goes that a Jotunn craftsman offered to build a wall around Valhalla, and the Gods agreed to it on Loki’s suggestion that the craftsman had to do it alone and within three seasons. The craftsman agreed as long as he could use his horse, Svaðilfari. The horse could do the work of three men, and the wall was a few feet short of being completed on the eve of the deadline. The Gods didn’t want to pay the craftsman and so they made Loki figure out a way to get rid of Svaðilfari since they figured Loki was to blame for the whole situation anyway. Loki turned into a mare and lured the horse into the forest, and the craftsman ran after them. The rest, as they say, is history. Oh, and when the Gods found out that the craftsman was a Jotunn they killed him anyway. Infershian Sleipnir has a Roman-style chariot pulled by two Barikion-recolor giant mech-horses, and I can’t think of a reason for him to have that beyond it being a nod to the chariot of Thor (which is pulled by two goats, Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr).
Drake – The Middle English form of the term ‘Dragon’. He’s a dragon, so hey, it fits. Dragons and their lore vary from place to place, so a general description of “wings, fire, lizard, gold-hoarding, thick scaly hide that can only be surpassed by finding the single weak point” will probably suffice.

The Three Wise Gods
Sphinx – A mythical creature with origins in the Mediterranean coastal area, that includes (at minimum) the body of a lion and the head of a human. It’s interesting to note that the Greek Sphinx was female (usually also possessing wings and a snake tail) but Egyptian Sphinxes were the result of associating the likeness of the patron of the monolith being built with the sun goddess Sekhmet, who was a lioness. Infershian Sphinx wears a klaft (the funny hat you see on all the Pharaohs in funerary art and extant statuary) to enforce the visual association with The Great Sphinx of Giza, which puts her up there with the various other female Pharaohs of Egypt who were depicted as wearing it.
Dagon – We actually have his name as “Dagan” in the subs, because that’s the most widely-used English translation of the Babylonian fertility god’s name. He was widely-worshipped across Mesopotamia and in various other regions as a god of farming and fishing (so literal fertility, like fields and shit, not a sex god). According to lore, he is also a giver of technology- legend says that he appeared to his first worshippers by walking out of a river wearing the skin of a massive fish on his back, and he taught the people about irrigation and more effective forms of fishing. He is depicted as wearing the fish’s skin with the head resting on top of his own as a hat, hence Infershian Dagon’s fish head. A lot of “ancient alien theorists” like to point to Dagon’s fish skin hat cloak thing as proof of ancient alien scuba equipment, but c’mon. How dumb is that.
Gorgon – The term “Gorgon” actually refers to any number of monsters in Greek lore, but it’s mostly applied to the three sisters with snakes for hair- the most famous of whom is Medusa, who was killed by Perseus. Upon being beheaded by Perseus, Medusa’s gaze could still turn people to stone. In some versions of he myth, Perseus then gave the head to Athena, who fastened it to the Aegis shield and gave the shield to Zeus. Infershian Gorgon has a shield emblazoned with the head of Medusa, which turns people to stone with its gaze. Literally being named Gorgon, it could be said that she is either Stheno or Euryale- one of Medusa’s two immortal sisters.

The Five Valorous Gods
– The term “Titan” actually refers to the second generation of Greek gods, children of the primordial dieties like Chaos, Aether, Gaia and Tartarus and progenitors of the Olympian gods. The Titans were overthrown by the Olympians and consigned to the depths of Tartarus, which is also the name of the pit of hell reserved especially for them. Tartarus is said to be “As far below the ground as the Heavens are above it”.
Ifrit – Islamic/Arabic Infernal Jinn. You probably know them from their various forms as summons in Final Fantasy. If you don’t, think Chernabog from Disney’s Fantasia except on fire. They’re generally characterized as ruthless creatures, but they also have their own societies (kinda like Garudas, the giant lightning birds that ferry around many of the Hindu gods).
Wyvern – A chimera-like green dragon, said to have the head and wings of a dragon, the body of a reptile, and a sharp barbed tail. They usually only have two legs (or none, coupled with a fish tail, which is then called a Sea-Wyvern) and are most often used in heraldry in Europe and North America. The Welsh really seem to like putting them on everything, from what I’ve seen.
Cyclops – Cyclopes (plural form of Cyclops) are Greek Titans, considered to be brothers of the main group of Titans. They’re characterized by a single eye, and modern study has generally concluded that the myth of the Cyclops arose from ancient Greeks coming across Elephant skulls and mistaking the nasal passage for an eye socket. Ancient epic poetry, like the Odyssey, describes Cyclopes as living in caves and acting as peaceful herders- though other accounts describe them as being carpenters and craftsmen.
Toad – There are plenty of frog and toad gods throughout the ancient world, usually associated with fertility because they appeared in droves after annual floods that watered crops and deposited new layers of farmable soil onto established farmland. Toad’s association with greed and acquisition of material objects points toward him being a Three-Legged Money Toad, a Feng Shui icon meant to draw wealth into an establishment or home. The Three-Legged Money Toad is a Chinese creation, and it was translated over to Japan in the form of the Toad Sennin. Immortal toads enjoyed a period of popularity in pre-Meiji Restoration plays and artwork as the companions of powerful wizard-like magical characters, and were usually depicted as the mounts of said wizards. Before you ask, yes. The Toad Sennin in Naruto drew from the same source.

9 comments on “Magical Family Magiranger, Stages 27-35

  • YAY! And the Gold Grip Phone special too! *gives everyone chocolate chunk cookies* I’ve been wanting to show this series to my husband for a while, and I think you guys really will finish it and he and I can watch it together.


  • I’m not sure if you noticed, but Bluelattice has a literal blue lattice design down the front of his tabard thing. Thank you for the suggestion, but I didn’t translate Gingaman. The decision to work the Socrates connection into that translation was the decision of that team, just as the decision to work with an obvious visual cue was mine.


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